Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Beginner's Notes on Bikram Yoga

When I first fell in love with Bikram Yoga, I was trying so hard (so hard!) to convince my friends to go to class with me. They all came up with very creative and never-ending excuses not to go. I have since given up trying to get people in the hot room. If they want to, they will come. For the benefit of those who are more seriously curious (is that a thing?) about trying out Bikram, I have come up with the following "tips" from a fellow beginner. :)

1. Remember, "practice to be flexible" and not "be flexible to practice". A frenzied Googling of Bikram yoga would surely yield pictures of the postures. Chances are, those pictures are the ideal. They show you what you can do with several years of practice. There is no pressure AT ALL to do the full expression of the postures on your first day, or even your first month!

2. Water, water, water and more water. Since I started practicing, I have been drinking at least three liters of water everyday. It is a pain to have to always go to the bathroom especially on the days they decide to crank up the office aircon, but hey, think of it as additional exercise. Hehe.

3. Do not eat anything heavy a couple of hours after class. For me, my last heavy meal before class must be at least four hours before the start of the class. I guess some people digest food faster, so for them maybe it can be a little closer to class time. Just remember that practicing on a full stomach is Not Pleasant At All. Those forward bends will drive you crazy.

4. The very first class may be hell but just be a crazy person and come back as soon as you can. Give it a few tries before you decide if you like Bikram or not. Believe it or not, practicing as often as you can would make the yoga easier. When I miss three or more consecutive days of practice, it sometimes feel like it's my first class all over again!

5. Don't expect to see any drastic or major changes with just three days of practice. Don't expect to lose those extra 20 pounds, or for that backache to completely go away. There are no shortcuts and you would have to work hard for it. I have been practicing for about six months now. I haven't lost any weight, but my clothes fit better. The jeans I bought less than a year ago is so loose now. It's either from doing as much Bikram as I can, or I was very full when I tried the jeans on. It was a strange coincidence, but since I started practicing, I haven't had any migraines or lower back pain.

6. If you go with friends, do not practice beside each other. If you do, resist all urges to talk to each other. Especially during final savasana! I will give you the nasty look if you talk. Besides, how can you have the energy to talk after all that hard work?

7. Stop moving! Do not fidget, stop wiping your sweat, stop checking yourself out, stop fixing your clothes, stop touching your hair. Be still and concentrate. It will be easier for you and for those around you. It is very distracting if the people beside you keep on moving. Stand straight with your feet together and arms by your side, look at yourself in the mirror, let the sweat drip.

8. Wear as little clothes as possible. I used to go to class in a tank top over a sports bra; it wasn't until I went without the tank top that I realised it is so much easier to bear the heat. I have flabs and a seemingly-always full tummy, so what? No one's looking at me during class anyway. At least no one should be.

9. Do not wear perfume or cologne. Strong odors in the room are distracting, and can make others feel nauseous. I once practiced beside a guy who seemed to douse himself with a musky perfume. I was so dizzy the whole time.

10. Have fun!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Because the Origami

Bus ticket cranes

To say that 2011 was full of surprises for me is an understatement.

At the end of 2010, I was feeling lost and confused. It seemed like my career was going nowhere and I was making wrong decisions left and right. I decided to quit my job and start fresh for 2011. And so here we are.

+ Started the year right with a short Baguio trip. Did nothing but eat and sleep. Walked around in 9C weather.
+ Spent lots of time with the mighty fine people of DAS.
+ Rekindled my love for board games (which means more stuff to buy!)
+ Went to Hong Kong and Macau. Walked around in 7C weather. Went to Disneyland! Discovered Gong Cha, Honeymoon Desserts, Western Market, that supergood bakery in Western Market.
+ Saw the Stone Temple Pilots live.
+ Watched Zsa Zsa Zaturrnah for the second time. Still as fun!
+ Chicken-all-you-can!
+ Spent a weekend in Tagaytay, eating and playing games the whole day long.
+ Discovered Ugu Bigyan and Casa San Pablo during a family Holy Week getaway.
- Waded in knee-high floodwater to go home. Yuck!
+ Fell in love with Bikram Yoga. One of the best things I did for myself. Met amazing people. I have never been sporty or health-conscious, but Bikram made me want to sweat it out every single day. So, yay me! (I guess?)
+ Went to Bacolod and Iloilo. Attended MassKara and ate probably the best (tasty and cheap!) cake ever from Calea.
+ Saw the return of Boldst*r. Favoritest band ever, yo!
+ Witnessed friends get married.
+ Said hello to people.
- Said goodbye to people.
+ Acquired more books this year than any other year.
- Didn't get to watch Ben Folds. Again.
+ I actually got to save a little money. Little lang.
+ Got obsessed -- OBSESSED, I tell ya -- with Game of Thrones.
+ Learned a LOT of new things at work.

So I guess all in all, 2011 was pretty good to me. Sure, things were looking spotty at times but I'd take that over a repeat of 2005! So thank you, 2011. And hello thar, 2012!

Monday, January 02, 2012

Happy new year!

This 2012, may the Universe grant all your heart's desires and more.

Happy new year to you and yours!